Noni Fruit Juice

Noni fruit juice is a product from the Noni fruit or morinda citrifolia, which is grown in many South Pacific regions like Tahiti and Polynesia. The fruit has cured many natives of common disorders in their villages. The therapeutic effects of the Noni fruit juice is now being recognized as medical treatment by researchers and …

Noni fruit juice is a product from the Noni fruit or morinda citrifolia, which is grown in many South Pacific regions like Tahiti and Polynesia. The fruit has cured many natives of common disorders in their villages. The therapeutic effects of the Noni fruit juice is now being recognized as medical treatment by researchers and practitioners.

The Noni fruit when ripened is green in color. It has a bumpy outer texture and gives off an unpleasant odor. However, almost all parts of the Noni fruit have a therapeutic feature. Noni juice was first sold by Herb’s Herbs  as a pulp powder in 1992 but later on in 1996 Morinda Inc. or now Tahitian Noni International, started manufacturing juice, capsules and other personal care products.

Those who used Noni fruit juice have given their testimonials on the benefits of taking the juice on a regular basis. Noni fruit juice aids in the fast cellular healing that can solve many medical conditions such as digestive and skeletal disorders, lack of energy, skin allergies, and even cancer.

What makes Noni fruit juice one of the top alternative herbal supplements? It is because of its anti-oxidant content. A lot of the diseases nowadays can be attributed to the quality of food we eat, the kind of daily activity we prefer and the lack of exercise. The inevitable can happen when you combine these three. So people now are relying on the best herbal supplement that can flush all the toxins they ingested, regenerate their damaged cells, and restore their energy.

There are several antioxidants found in the Noni fruit juice products in the market. They are very helpful in preventing free radicals from destroying the cells. They also strengthen the body immunity, circulatory, digestive and skeletal systems, as well as metabolism and the nervous system. Noni fruit juice also contains anti-aging components. These components are xeronine,  anthrequinones, sterols, terpenes and scopoletin.

  • Xeronineis an alkaloid produced in the large intestine of the human body. It aids  in enlarging of pores in the walls of human cells so that all the  nutrients can enter into the cells easier.
  • Anthrequinones is used to stop anti fungal infections and to boost the body’s immune system.
  • Sterols reduces high cholesterol levels.
  • Terpenes helps in treating glaucoma and spinal problems. Limonene is kind of terpene that acts as an anti-cancer drug by stopping the growth of cancer cells.
  • Scopoletin is helpful when you want to lower your blood pressure specially if you are suffering from elevated blood pressure levels and are worried about your constricted blood vessels.

When you buy Noni fruit juice, make sure that it’s 100% pure, and undiluted Noni Juice. Although all parts of Noni tree can be used for medical purpose, look for Noni fruit only, leaves or roots should not be juiced. If making your own juice, no rotten fruit should be used. Finally, read or ask about Noni tree. The tree should not be subjected to pesticides or herbicides. If these things are considered, then you can get optimum result from drinking Noni fruit juice.

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